Renewable energy with AEP Energy.



Our commitment to renewable energy.

AEP Energy is committed to supporting renewable energy and making it easy for our customers to go green. Take a look at our library of resources that explain what renewable energy is, why it’s important and how you can commit to a cleaner future.

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Renewable energy infographics.

What is a REC?

A Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is the environmental attribute that is produced when a renewable energy source, like wind or solar, generates one-megawatt (MW) of electricity and delivers it to the energy grid. Simply put, the electricity on the grid doesn’t identify how it was generated, so RECs track and assign ownership to renewable energy generation and use. RECs serve as proof that renewable energy sources were used 
in the generation.

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Does Going Green Really Impact My Carbon Footprint?

Have you ever wondered if using renewable energy really reduces carbon emissions, and if so, by how much? Take a look at the statistics here to see how much energy the average home and business use per year and how much carbon dioxide that’s equivalent to. By making the switch to renewable energy, you can reduce your carbon emissions to zero.

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How Does Wind Power Work?

If you’re interested in supporting wind power, AEP Energy offers an environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional electricity plans which match up to 100% of your electricity usage with national Green-e® Energy certified wind Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). We make it easy to find out more about renewable energy and enrolling in a renewable energy plan!

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Renewable energy blogs.

AEP Energy’s Renewable Energy by the Numbers

Content Marketing

AEP Energy is committed to supporting renewable energy and making it easy for our customers to go green. We’re proud that an increasing number of customers are enrolling in renewable energy plans. Stats by the numbers In 2015, 2% of customers enrolled in a renewable energy plan as compared to 20% of customers today. In …

Simple Ways to Go Green and Save Money

Content Marketing

Going green is good for the environment and doesn’t have to be hard on your wallet. In this blog, we explore simple ways to go green and save money. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – there are several ways to reduce your consumption and recycle what you use, which can lower your energy use and expenses. Here …

Renewable Energy Pricing

Content Marketing

There are a lot of factors that go into traditional energy pricing for suppliers and utilities, from fluctuating markets to dramatic weather and unusual highs or lows in supply and demand. Renewable or “green” energy adds yet another layer to the pricing mix, which can be confusing when you’re weighing the benefits of “going green” …

Q&A: Understanding Your Carbon Footprint

Content Marketing

You’ve probably heard the term “carbon footprint”, but what does it actually mean? Your carbon footprint is the amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by many daily activities such as driving a car, using electricity and disposing of waste. Is reducing my carbon footprint important? Yes! There are many benefits for home and business owners, …

Renewable Energy 101

Content Marketing

You’ve probably heard a lot about “going green” and you’ve probably wondered exactly what renewable energy is, how it works, and if it really benefits you or the environment. The first blog in our renewable energy series breaks down these topics, and more, to help you better understand major factors of green energy. What is …

Renewable Energy 201

Content Marketing

As we become more reliant on clean and renewable energy sources, such as hydro, solar, thermal and wind, new challenges are presented with the impact their intermittent flow has on the grid. The complex system that makes up the electricity grid requires supply and demand to be equal, and constant adjustments to the supply are …

How Do Renewable Energy Certificates Work?

Content Marketing

So, you’re interested in renewable energy, but unsure if it’s available to you? Good news! If you live in a deregulated state, even if your local utility doesn’t offer green energy, Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) make it possible for you to choose to enroll in a renewable energy supply. What is a REC? RECs are …

How is Renewable Energy Stored?

Content Marketing

As we continually rely on clean and renewable energy sources, such as hydro, thermal, wind and solar, new challenges are presented with the impact their intermittent flow has on the grid. Storage of energy to reliably cover the times the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing requires a realistic solution. The electricity grid …


What is a Renewable Energy Certificate?